Not being able to drive your own car can cause you problems, for example, when you rely on public transport you need to follow a time table which may be inconvenient if you need to travel at unusual times. Any problems you have had with money in the past should not be held against you and we at Budget Auto Finance believe that you should have the option to get credit to get yourself on the road.
We have cars of all makes and all price ranges – new and used – so there is a very good chance you will be able to get just what you want. Renting to buy is an ideal way to keep yourself driving and there are not that many conditions attached. You will need to have a deposit but the rest of the price of the car will be met under the terms of the agreement.
There is a difference between the rent to buy scheme and other financial deals you. The deposit you put down will depend on the price of the car and the payments that you are going to make, but will not be high as we want you to feel comfortable and pay it off at a steady rate.
Firstly, you decide what you can afford to put down as a deposit and it is that deposit that will determine the value of the car that you will be able to purchase. You also need to decide how often you will make your payments. If you are paid weekly it may be best to pay this way, but if you get your salary monthly then a bigger payment can be made once a month.
There are some great advantages to letting Budget Auto Finance help you become a car owner through the rent to buy system. Whenever you make a payment you are that little bit closer to owning the car and once it is all paid off, the car is yours!
If you find that you have extra money then you can pay extra and shorten the term of the contract meaning that the car is yours earlier than anticipated. We won’t penalise you for doing this and there are no early payment fees and this also applies if you are paying off the loan in full.
To make the process as easy as possible the rent to buy loans can last as little as 4 months meaning you are not having to be in debt longer than necessary. We realise that not everyone will be able to pay that quickly, so some of our deals are worked out over years instead of months.