At Budget Auto Finance we realise that you may not be earning as much as others who have a full time job but that does not mean that you don’t deserve to have a car or that you are going to be unable to pay. As long as you present sensible figures and don’t put yourself in a position of falling behind on your payments then you will be looked at favourably.
At Budget Auto Finance we supply cars and payment plans. If you tell us you are a part time employee we will provide the best deal to suit your needs. There is also a higher chance of your application being granted as unlike banks and bigger financial corporations, Budget Auto Finance manually go through each application to ensure the best possible outcome.
While there is no guarantee that you will be accepted – there are times when the amount that needs to be repaid is over and above what you can afford – not having full time employment won’t make you ineligible. If we can work out a finance deal to suit you, we will not neglect you. If you are not happy with the offer you are under no obligation to take it. This has to be a partnership. We will give you the best offer we can, but you must realise that you are not in an ideal bargaining position and you are unlikely to get the same sort of offer you would if you were in full time employment.
We accept that you may not always be able to prove how many hours you work or know exactly what you will take home from week to week but we will help by supplying you with a car and try our best to work out a repayment plan which is suitable for you.
It may seem disheartening if you see that your loan is going to have to be repaid over a number of years, but if circumstances change and you suddenly have a higher income, it will be possible to look at the loan and repay what you can over the set amount.
If you are unsure as to how secure your job is but still have to have a car it will be a good idea to take out insurance. This is going to ensure that you will not lose the car if you find yourself with a financial problem. If you lose your job – not if you walk away from it – the car loan will be paid for you and the same will happen if you can’t work because you are ill.