Just because you have a poor credit rating does not mean that you should not be able to get credit. Even if you think you have too much debt or are going to be considered to be too great a risk, we will help you with the funding you need for a car. Don’t be put off by the people who have said no to you as not all companies are like that but we will get you that credit regardless of the reasons even if you have a poor rating.
You can still speak to us at Budget Auto Finance even after you have been refused by others as we will make our own decisions on your suitability and not be swayed by the views others gave you. It may not be the case that no one will ever be turned down under any circumstances, but there will have to be strong reasons for this to happen. You will be able to put your problematic past behind you and take out credit in just the same way that thousands of Australians do every year.
The people who fall into this category will be:-
If you are in any doubt of our abilities then you could ask any of the thousands of people who have successfully walked through our doors and have been more than happy with the agreement we have reached with them.
At Budget Auto Finance we understand the need to have a level of payment that you can afford and for this reason we will give you a loan which will help fit with the timescale you need. If it will be best for you to have a car loan that is spread over 5 years, then that is the period of time we will allow you whereas if you want to pay back over a couple of years and believe you can make the payments then we will go for a 2 year agreement.
You tell us what you can pay and we find the deal for you.